Industry & Category Solutions for Businesses in The Middle East

Cost Optimization & Efficiency Experts, Delivering Sustainable Cost Savings in The Middle East

ERA provides strategic services and ongoing consultancy to a wide range of organizations, with the ultimate goal of reducing costs and improving procurement processes.

We work with our clients to provide bespoke teams of strategic cost management expertise to reduce outgoings, boost cash flow and manage supplier relationships to maximize their potential.

Our specialists are drawn from their areas of expertise, meaning they have knowledge and insight into the way those industries work, how contracts are written and formulated from the supplier’s perspective and therefore the ability to negotiate.

That, plus our visibility of the market and access to lower prices allow us to provide tailored teams of experts to manage multiple projects which result in significant and sustainable savings.

We can work on a variety of fee options; including payment being contingent on our success in meeting agreed savings targets, as well as day rate consultancy and fixed fee arrangements.

"ERA Group exceeded our expectations identifying areas of savings that we previously had not contemplated."

Group Head of Finance, Rehabilitation Hospital

Delivering Solutions for Vertical Markets & Industries

Whatever industry your business operates in, you will undoubtedly face a wide range of challenges throughout all areas of the business. As a business leader, you want to focus on the business as a whole, to ensure it’s running efficiently and to have peace of mind your costs are being handled effectively across all departments.

Whether you operate in Manufacturing, Healthcare, Retail, or Financial services to name but a few, ERA Group can work with you to improve cash flow and optimize your costs.

Within our case study section you will find numerous examples of projects we’ve delivered to clients which encompass their whole operate within their specific vertical industry.

You can explore more information in our ten primary vertical markets to better understand exactly what we can provide and discover just how we can help your business. This list is not exhaustive, but it does help to articulate the value we deliver to clients and sets out our goals for delivering value to your business.

"ERA’s systematic approach to cost management has delivered returns in excess of our expectations. Importantly, the results were achieved without management or team members having to invest significant resource time."

Group Head of Finance, Rehabilitation Hospital

Category Expertise & Solutions

Sometimes our clients have very specific needs within their business which need our attention, or there are particular areas within a business which you are trying to grow or update.

This is where our specific category solutions can help.

Within our global network, we have a massive range of individual category specialists, who have built long careers in specific fields and they bring that insight and experience with them when helping your business.

We can provide expert help across a wide variety of cost areas adding value, for example, to your contract negotiations on a short, medium, or long term basis – right when you need it.

We cover a broad range of cost areas. Some of these can be highly strategic and business critical areas, but we’re also experts in a wide range of indirect spend areas, where organisations rarely have particular category expertise.

We recognize that for most organisations it is not cost effective to have the depth of expertise that our people have day-to-day. That’s why our service is designed to bring in the relevant specialists at the right times.

There are too many categories to mention and we are continuously adding more and more industry specialists to our network so whatever area of your business you are considering, contact us and we can provide you with more detail and examples of how we can help you.

"ERA have also identified new cost saving initiatives that has the potential to further improve on an already impressive result."

Group Head of Finance, Rehabilitation Hospital

Can we provide you with further information?

Contact us today and let us know of any further information you would like and we can provide additional resources to help explain precisely how ERA can help your business.