Close up of a laboratory worker

Delivering Value Through Insight™ in Maintenance, Repair & Operating Supply (MRO)

Cost Optimization in Maintenance, Repair & Operating Supply (MRO) with ERA Group

For organisations in the manufacturing sector, operational supplies are the lifeblood of the business.

Depending on the business, this can include factory consumables, chemicals and industrial gases, lab supplies, MRO supplies, and packaging.

An organisation’s ability to control the total manufacturing costs of these supplies — direct manufacturing costs and variable costs — is vital to an organisation’s financial health.

ERA can assess expenses to find manufacturing cost-savings opportunities. We help determine if incumbent suppliers are offering the most advantageous pricing for operational supplies, applying years of experience and supplier knowledge to improve companies’ cash flow.

Within the ERA network of experts, we have a wide range of individuals with first hand practical experience in managing operational supplies. Our detailed auditing process ensures a thorough understanding of your business and work practises in order to best advise you moving forward.

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Our global sourcing expertise in the area of bulk chemicals allows our experts to find hard-to-find supplies. Their backgrounds also allow them to understand the issues from a stakeholder / end-user perspective, guaranteeing a sensitive and mature approach.

Our chemicals team are well placed to understand the challenges that come with sourcing, purchasing and using a wide range of bulk and industrial chemicals.

It’s the analytical process we adopt and the detailed knowledge we have that makes our offer so compelling. Our experience and expertise in the area of sourcing bulk and industrial chemicals makes ERA an essential resource when looking for help with purchasing chemicals.

We are former end users and buyers who through our experience with ERA have visibility of the broader market place. We use our knowledge to leverage better prices and service levels from existing suppliers and test the market to suggest alternatives.

Operating Supply

Factory consumables must be replaced regularly as part of the manufacturing process. Controlling the total manufacturing costs of these supplies — direct manufacturing costs and variable manufacturing costs — is vital to an organization’s financial health, as it the monitoring of the major trends and development on the market.

ERA Group supports businesses in providing their specialist knowledge to support their operations and assess cost-savings opportunities.

Maintenance & Repair

Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) supplies and services are indispensable to routine operations, but not many companies have the time and resources to follow market trends and prices for all segments.

ERA Group helps businesses to maximize their efficiency and spending in the MRO cost category.

Uniforms, Workwear & Linens

For some businesses uniforms and linen are an important item of expenditure.

ERA Group reviews client expenses to assess savings opportunities in this category whilst providing a similar or better service that meets both employer and employees requirements.

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