Volkswagen case study



Marketing Focus

After conducting a review of their insurances Geoff Hunt, Deputy General Counsel for Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited. believed that more could be done to reduce the premiums they were paying.

Realising Volkswagen Group significant and complex insurance needs would require expert external advice; he sought the specialist service of ERA Group Insurance Cost Management.

To find out more about how ERA helped Volkswagen, including results, savings and more details from the client, download the full case study now.

Download the full case study

Inside our case study you will find more information about how we helped Volkswagen including details of the savings we achieved for their organization.

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“The savings on insurance that we achieved with the help of ERAICM exceeded all our expectations. We would not have made those savings without their valuable guidance.”

Geoff Hunt, Deputy General Counsel

To find out more about how ERA can help your organisation, get in touch.

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